In general, TES: Legends also works to reward you more often than Hearthstone too. It’s also important to note that you can receive upgraded versions of the cards in packs or by crafting them with Soul Stones. These upgrades are not based on use of the card however, just on your player level overall. Upgrades essentially boost the power of the card in question one of two ways, which allows for further customization of your deck. While playing you’ll also be able to upgrade specific cards in your collection - marked with a green arrow in the upper right-hand corner. Each deck you build will allow you to pick cards from two of these attributes similar to common tactics in Magic the Gathering and whichever blend or neutral cards you have available. Endurance, for example, is based around playing the long game with cards that protect you and drain health from your opponent to sustain you. Each of these attributes focuses on a specific style of play. In Legends you have 6 types of cards: Strength, Agility, Intelligence, Willpower, Endurance, and Neutral.